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1947年,已被#复旦大学#录取的福建男子林文芳前往台湾看望出嫁的姐姐,没想到与大陆一别就是几十年。尽管相隔两岸,割不断血脉亲情。1988年,白发苍苍的林文芳第一次回到阔别40余年的家乡福建莆田,与亲人重逢。此后,他带回了半张珍贵的族谱,他的三个孙辈听着爷爷和家乡的故事长大,相继考上#北京大学#。三兄妹在大陆求学,也在大陆寻根,完成爷爷未了的心愿。(In 1988, people in China's Taiwan were for the first time able to visit their relatives in the mainland after nearly four decades of separation. Among those who reunited with their families was Lin Wen-fang. Following Lin's steps, his three grandchildren returned to the mainland and found their root in Fujian province.)


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