Live Q&A with Bowdoin for Admitted Students and Families (April 9, 2020)

Описание к видео Live Q&A with Bowdoin for Admitted Students and Families (April 9, 2020)

On April 9, 2020, Bowdoin hosted a live Q & A for admitted students and their families. Below is a list of questions that were asked and answered during the webcast.
0:00 – Introduction by Whitney Soule, Dean of Admissions and Student Aid
1:36 – Moira Kelly ‘86
2:12 – Alex Ontogtokh ‘21
2:45 – Nora Greene ‘ 22
3:21 – Matt Ramos ‘12
3:53 – Praise Hall ‘20
4:37 – Manlio Calentti ‘20
5:51 – Students talk about housing options and the college house system, specifically.
9:57 – What is something about your Bowdoin experience that influences your professional work now?
11:23 – Did you feel prepared by your engineering graduate degree having had your undergraduate degree at Bowdoin as a liberal arts college? (directed to Matt)
12:36 – What is something about your Bowdoin experience that influences your professional work now? (directed to Moira)
14:48 – Why did you choose Bowdoin? Would you choose it again? And if you did choose Bowdoin, would it be for different reasons than you chose it the first time?
19:40 – Dean Soule asks Manlio how he adjusted to the cold in Maine having come from a warm climate.
21:26 – Dean Soule asks the alumni to reflect on the networks and connections they have with the College now that they are away from Bowdoin and fully immersed in their lives and careers
26:21 – What were your biggest challenges in your first year? What was a resource you were thankful to have been able to use on campus?
31:41 – What are the local hangouts; how far is Walmart, shopping, movie theater, other things to do?
37:25 – Sports on campus: What is the culture like, club sports vs varsity, if you are not an athlete, what is the experience?
41:15 – Jobs on campus: Is it hard to balance a job and school?
46:31 – Dean Soule speaks to the fall: what will it be like in the fall? Will it be back to normal or some alternative? (Answer: we don't know yet.)
47:12 – What is your experience like? Does it still feel like Bowdoin to you even though you are in a remote space right now?
52:49 – Parting thoughts: think of a word or couple of words that you would use to describe what you think the core of Bowdoin represents.


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