Storm Large - Hallelujah

Описание к видео Storm Large - Hallelujah

Storm's Holiday Ordeal was held on November 27th, 2009, at the Aladdin Theater in Portland, Oregon.  Storm Large, Holcombe Waller, and Wade McCollum sang "Hallelujah," with James Beaton on piano and Scott Weddle (off camera, darn it!) playing guitar.

I usually do regular concert photographs, but Holcombe mentioned to me that I ought to try to catch this song on video if I could. I am SO grateful to him. I think their performance is beautiful; it's haunting and glorious at the same time. I love it.

There was no way to set up in the middle of the theater; I was one hurried camera, and there isn't a center aisle at the Aladdin.  I didn't want to get too far back - I'd lose the intimacy.  This side view worked out well, but I wish I could have caught Scott on camera, too; his presence in this song is part of the magic. 

I am including a few links below. I don't have everyone's information - let me know if there's another (or different) link, and I'll update.




Aladdin Theater:

Jennie: (email) [email protected]


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