Ensemble Gamut! - Lapsed caick laolacatt! |

Описание к видео Ensemble Gamut! - Lapsed caick laolacatt! |

Ensemble Gamut! brings to life the earliest surviving Finnish music in their enchanting program, exploring the theme of colonisation and the arrival of Christianity to Finland, combining music from the earliest surviving Finnish manuscripts with vernacular rune songs.

The earliest surviving manuscripts in Finland are found around Turku, Western of Finland, that was the intellectual and musical capital of medieval Finland. Turku Cathedral school was founded at the 13th century, where the Dominican influence was strong as opposed to Eastern parts of Finland, that were under Novgorod power with strong Orthodox influence.
A remarkable collection of medieval Finland is Legenda Sancti Henrici from the end of 13th century. Indeed, St. Henry was a popular Saint around Turku, and considered the protector of the whole Eastern part of Sweden (that Finland was part of at the time). The collection includes songs about Henrici’s life and his miracle works. Indeed, many medieval churches in Finland are named after this important Saint.

The most famous Finnish collection of early music is ”Piae Cantiones”, that includes medieval latin songs, was sung in Finnish cathedral schools. Although the collection was strongly influenced from the musical material from Central Europe, many of it ́s songs are indeed of Scandinavian origin. In ”Ramuns virens olivarum”, that describes St Henry ́s life, Finland is even mentioned by name.

Over centuries, the principal form of vernacular art among the Baltic-Finnish peoples developed into rune singing. It flourished in Finland, Karelia and Estonia, where also the Finnish lyre, ”Jouhikko” was a frequently used instrument. The Karelian rune singing is a particular style of singing with complex poetic meter, and forms the oldest suriving oral tradition in Finland, that has been considered to have existed already BCE.

In their program ”Northern Stars” - Lapsed caick laolacatt, Ensemble Gamut! brings to life the chants of St. Henry, in combination with the oldest oral tradition of rune singing. The interaction with other European medieval sources is explored in Piae Cantiones, which is heard on the one of the oldest surviving still spoken languages of the world - the Finnish language.


Ensemble Gamut! is a fresh, experimental collective of early music and folk music specialists, who are constantly searching for new ways to perform early music. They combine historical instruments and electronics in an innovative way, and have created their own unique world of sounds using medieval and renaissance music, Finnish folk tunes, improvisation and modern soundscapes.

The name of the ensemble is derived from medieval music theory (Guido of Arezzo), but also means a colour reproduction, a subset of colours. Kamut means “friends” in Finnish, and the word Kamu is also a shorthand way to refer to Finnish folk music (kansanmusiikki). The group collaborates with musicologists, combining excuisite musicianship with latest research on the subject. For the program ”Lapset caick laolacatt”, the group has consulted Professor Jorma Hannikainen and Doctor of Music Hilkka-Liisa Vuori.

Ensemble Gamut! has performed extensively from club gigs to museums, medieval churches and concert halls. Their debut album, UT was released on 4 December 2020 on Eclipse Music, and has been received to critical acclaim. The title refers to the Swedish word for being outside, going out, or being without someone (utanför), as well as being the first note of the scale. Gamut – Gamma ut!


"UT is one of the most interesting sounding albums I’ve heard in a long time, and it’s wonderful to hear “obsolete” instruments used to such great effect."
Jon Davis / Exposé Online (02.01.2021)

"The mix of traditional sounds with ancient dance and devotional music, delivered with such love and attention to detail, is a heady brew. Refreshing, soothing, intriguing and enlightening, there’s a wonderful flow through the album in an enthralling and cleansing journey."
Jez Rowden / The Progressive Aspect (13.12.2020)

"The combination is rich and works well. — A pleasant feeling of space has been created in post-production. The mood ranges from meditative to raucous. — Many of the tracks are as catchy as any pop tune."
Riikka Hiltunen / FMQ (05.02.2021)


Ensemble Gamut!
Aino Peltomaa I Voice
Ilkka Heinonen I Jouhikko (Finnish bowed lyre)
Juho Myllylä I Blockflutes



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