Back to School with kids and sports

Описание к видео Back to School with kids and sports

As kids head back to school, it's time to talk about kids and sports.

There are so many benefits to being an athlete -- but it can also come with its challenges…

This week we take a closer look at what student athletes and parents need to know to make it a successful school year..

From how much is too much when it comes to sports and extracurricular activities….

To what are the limits for parents and how do you know when and when not to push your child.

And how to prevent burnout.

Monica Robins is not a medical doctor. All content presented in this program is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your personal doctor or qualified healthcare professional with any questions regarding your health or medical condition.


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