How to Cycle a Betta Fish Tank

Описание к видео How to Cycle a Betta Fish Tank

You must cycle your betta fish aquarium for your fish to have a sustainable environment. There are three different ways to cycle a fish tank. The easiest method in cycling your beta fish tank is to go to a fish store and purchase a used aquarium filter. This filter is commonly going to be called a sponge filter. These are what are used most commonly in smaller betta fish tank setups.

You can also choose to cycle your bettafish tank using chemicals. There are a handful of products that you can use to put in your fish tank to create a beneficial bacteria to help cycle the tank. It’s going to involve a process of pouring a certain chemical in your aquarium wall also adding the fish itself. This is going to be more harmful on the fishes immune system because it Hass to live inside the tank while you cycle it.

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There’s another option to cycle your betta fish tank using a small fish like guppies. All you do is put them in the tank by themselves with the filter and give it 3 to 4 weeks to grow that beneficial bacteria naturally. The reason we use guppy fish is because they are very hearty and not as susceptible to getting sick like the betta fish is.

Out of the three options you can use to cycle a fish tank the option of buying a used filter is always going to be the easiest. You put that use filter inside of your tank and it auto jump starts the cycle with beneficial bacteria. It is hands-down the best way to cycle a fish tank without harming the fish.


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