Tiffin Talks with Mohona Kanjilal

Описание к видео Tiffin Talks with Mohona Kanjilal

Discovering Calcutta’s cosmopolitan food culture in all its delicious diversity with MOHONA KANJILAL, author of A Taste of Time: A Food History of Calcutta.

The eastern metropolis has extended the warm embrace of acceptance to a myriad of peoples and cultures, and its cuisine reflects this tradition of inclusiveness. From the Baghdadi Jew Nahoum’s cakes in New Market to Eau Chew, one of the city’s oldest family-run Chinese restaurants, from Nizam’s kathi rolls to potoler dolma, an Armenian contribution to Bengali haute cuisine, from the ‘cabins’ to Park Street’s fashionable restaurants, where Pam Craine and Usha Uthup once crooned, Calcutta’s love for food and all the good things of life defies boundaries and definitions. And in Mohona Kanjilal it finds a knowledgeable chronicler with an eye and ear for the unusual.

In her Tiffin Talks conversation with SOURISH BHATTACHARYYA, Mohona Kanjilal takes us on a gustatory journey across this fascinating culinary landscape.

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