Camino de Santiago SECRET TIPS / Spooky PILGRIM SHADOW & FREE THINGS to see! Portuguese Video 11

Описание к видео Camino de Santiago SECRET TIPS / Spooky PILGRIM SHADOW & FREE THINGS to see! Portuguese Video 11

In April and May 2024 my wife and I walked the Portuguese Camino Central route and within two days we started walking the Portuguese Camino COASTAL route (we ran out of time for the spiritual variant at the end).

On the coastal route we really tried to go slower to enjoy the experience.

We wanted to compare the two routes and maybe these videos will help you made the decision as to which route is best for you.

#CaminoDeSantiago #PortugueseCamino #CaminoPortuguese #CaminoCoastal #CoastalCamino #CaminoCentralPortiguese #CentralCaminoPortuguese #SendaLitoral


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