Girls' Generation - Visual Dreams (Areia Remix)

Описание к видео Girls' Generation - Visual Dreams (Areia Remix)

Portfolio Remix by Areia Creations Production Team

In this release, I'll begin with the new logo and the layout. It has been a while I was in need of a standard logo I just haven't found the time to think properly about it. On the other hand I'm giving some effort on my single's release and while was designing my single's jacket and a logo for my artist name (jun areia) it was easy for her to make one for areia remix too in the same style. So here it is. With the new logo it was also a good opportunity to create a new layout. I wanted something easier to the eye that still conveys the same information. The subtitles are a bit smaller at the bottom right corner, which is not the best option to watch along with the video but on the other hand they are much less intruding.

About the remix, Robotaki is doing a more pop-electro remix on this and I know he will do great job so I've decided to go a bit harder. Meanwhile people seem to like the harmonic colours I add on my latest remixes so I ended up doing an uplifting trance remix. It worked quite well on some of my previous SNSD remixes (Oh! and Genie) but of course the quality and technical complexity of this is much higher.

I've tried to change patterns in the song a few times but again some points on the original (didn't have the clean vocals to work with so I had to cover the original sounds somehow) prevented me from doing exactly what I had in mind. I have to admit that I got a bit lazy at the last minute of the remix cause nothing I would do would work right so I had to compromise with what you hear.

Still I regard it as a quite addicting remix, easy and pleasant to listen to yet powerful. Hope you enjoy it and thanks for listening.

areia remixes don't use any sounds from other songs, neither are a product of mixing commerical songs together. Every sound has been carefully designed and produced from scratch exclusively for each remix, just like a new song, and has been therefore tweaked for your listening pleasure.

All work except original vocals and video copyright© Jun Areia

Any commerical use of this remix is strictly prohibited!

Enjoy and thank you for your support. Please visit my website at


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