LBJ-Jackie Kennedy New Year's Day 1964 Call (Transcript Below)

Описание к видео LBJ-Jackie Kennedy New Year's Day 1964 Call (Transcript Below)

President Johnson: Hello?
Jacqueline Kennedy: Hello?
President Johnson: Happy New Year.
Kennedy: Oh, Happy New Year to you, Mr. President.
President Johnson: How you doing?
Kennedy: Oh, I'm doing fine. [Unclear] have to do?
President Johnson: You getting some sunshine?
Kennedy: [laughing] Oh, it's pouring rain today.
President Johnson: We have a beautiful day here.
Kennedy: Oh, I see you're all in Texas. It looked so successful, the Erhard thing. That really went off beautifully, didn't it?
President Johnson: Yes, we had a good meeting. He's a pretty good fellow.
Kennedy: [Unclear] gosh, you know, I thought you'd get some rest when you get home, but you're doing more than you do at the White House.
President Johnson: Well--
Kennedy: [Unclear.]
President Johnson: I did this afternoon. I just waked up. I'm still in bed, and I just waked up thinking about you and wondering how you were getting along and what you did during the holidays. Santa Claus come see the kiddos?
Kennedy: Oh, [unclear] so nice to me.
President Johnson: I haven't been nice to you. I just--I want to see you. When you coming back to Washington?
Kennedy: Sunday.
President Johnson: Sunday?
Kennedy: Yes.
President Johnson: Well I'll probably come back Sunday, too. I haven't made up my mind, but that's pretty persuasive.
Kennedy: [Laughs] [Unclear.] I'll find out a time and let you know.
President Johnson: Any time. Any time. You just quit being so modest now. Did you have any fun at all? Did you get out on the water any?
Kennedy: Oh, I did. I went swimming [unclear]. And the presents! Gosh, that [unclear]. [Unclear.]
President Johnson: Well, you're sweet. You're sweet.
Kennedy: That was a wonderful [unclear].
President Johnson: Well, bless your heart. They did a good job on you. Tell me, does John [Kennedy Jr.] like his automobile?
Kennedy: Oh, he loves that so! He loves that so. That ladder, we have to take it [unclear]--
President Johnson: [Laughs.]
Kennedy: --up the stairs, up to his bedroom, down to the living room. He's so mad about it.
President Johnson: I'm going to come see him when he gets back to Washington.
Kennedy: So cute. Please see him.
President Johnson possibly misheard Kennedy since his following reply does not seem to relate to what she said.
President Johnson: Well, she's in--she was up to see the Navy game today, and Lynda [Bird Johnson] had mixed emotions. Her boyfriend was a Navy man, and she was going to Texas.
Kennedy: Oh, who won? Did they go [unclear]?
President Johnson: Yeah, 28 to 6, Navy.
Kennedy: Navy?
President Johnson: I mean Texas, Texas.
Kennedy: Oh, really?
President Johnson: 28-6 Texas.
Kennedy: Oh, my.
President Johnson: Yeah.
Kennedy: Oh, that's the Cotton Bowl!
President Johnson: Yeah. That's right.
Kennedy: I was [unclear].
President Johnson: That's right.
Kennedy: Good for them.
President Johnson: You sound cheerful. I hope you are.
Kennedy: We're all getting so much better. You know, everything's better now.
President Johnson: I think you're a pretty great girl myself.
Kennedy: You're very kind, Mr. President.
President Johnson: All right--
Kennedy: [Inaudible.]
President Johnson: I just wanted to hear your voice and wish you a Happy New Year, and I'll see you next week.
Kennedy: Great, Mr. President. You know, I'm so touched by it. And to think of the kids, too, with all you've got to do.
President Johnson: Well, I've got a lot to do with you yet, dear.
Kennedy: Well, I would do anything for you! [Unclear.]
President Johnson: All right. Good-bye, darling.
Kennedy: Good-bye. Happy New Year.


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