What Fits In Louis Vuitton Key Cles/ Key Pouch + Review!

Описание к видео What Fits In Louis Vuitton Key Cles/ Key Pouch + Review!

Hey girls, hope you all found this video helpful if you were interested in purchasing this item. I bought the Key Cles as my first LV item to get a feel of the brand. I absolutely fell in love with this item so I do hope to purchase more LV in the future.

I do keep my debit card in my LV Key Cles, I just didn't show.

LV Key Cles Review:    • Louis Vuitton Key Pouch (Key Cles) Re...  

The Day I Purchased LV Key Cles & Experience:    • VLOG: Come W/Me To Louis Vuitton (Fir...  

Been having this item for 4 months. I will do a review on wear and tear when I hit a year with this item.

Mini pens: https://www.amazon.com/Party-Favors-P...

Mini Nail Clippers: https://www.sallybeauty.com/nails/man...

LV Key Cles:https://us.louisvuitton.com/eng-us/pr...

When I purchased this item it was $200, now it's $205 wow

SHOP MY CLOSET: https://poshmark.com/closet/makeupbyj...

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Thanks for watching!!


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