🙏✨Take the RIGHTEOUS Hair Course
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An Intuitive TAROT Reading or Reiki Healing or Mentorship
Align with your GOD Purpose and Life Mission
Https:// www.spiritiallyinitiatedandcrowned.com
Spiritually Initiated and Crowned:
If you’re looking to be successful in life you must wear your crown and take up your sword! These are the two things that will allow you to get on your divine life path and fulfill your covenant with the DIVINE! Let’s get it. For one-to one guidance and life path alignment and congruence, set up a mentoring session with me or invest in yourself with a package
Spiritually Initiated and Crowned is owned by Tunisia Ali, a Reality Alchemist. Tunisia Ali is a Spiritual Initiate and Warrioress, Educator, Author, Reiki Master, Aromatherapist, Certified CPEC, Hypnotist, and CEO of I Am Melanin Magic. I am the owner of several enterprises that exist to honor the DIVINE. My spiritual pathway requires that I serve the weak & oppressed, expose the matrix within and without, and align with those who seek soul growth and welcome spiritual initiation. This channel will be providing tips for those looking to connect with the vision of who they truly are and unleash their maximum potential. You will be able to redefine the paradigms that govern your life and understand your purpose and how to manifest it. This channel will address all issues present in this matrix, allowing you to step into being a powerful co-creator. Here you will ‘innerstand’ the true spiritual struggle and holy uprising that is required in your life in order to manifest your greatness, which is your DESTINY!
Learn TAROT or experience knotting and Sisterlocks in my RIGHTEOUS HAIR at my Powerdigm Online Academy or Take courses on Mindset and Manifesting in order to shift your frequency. Click here:
I Am Melanin MAGIC, LLC
Amazing magical hair growth products & serum and skin care blends for beautiful, healed skin!
"Manifesting YOUR Masterpiece," by Tunisia Ali on Amazon.com
My book, "Manifesting YOUR Masterpiece," by Tunisia Ali is available for purchase on Amazon. Order your copy today!! Don't forget to leave a review!
Affirm • Aspire • Ascend • Actualize
#law of attraction #prosperity consciousness #relationship goals #manifesting abundance
Sisterlocks Channel on Youtube:
Welcome to our channel and to the brand whose focus is to bring to market products that are designed to assist with your particular hair and skin care needs. While the I Am Melanin Magic Brand has only recently begun sharing its blends within the larger global arena, Tunisia Ali, the company's CEO, aromatherapist, and product developer has been sharing her gift with family and her local community for decades. As a Spiritual Mentor, Author, Educator, and Energy Healer, she has always been concerned with overall health and wellness. Thousands have already experienced true success and abundant hair growth over time and some suddenly. As well, many have seen dramatic improvement in their skin making acne issues a thing of the past and improving the glow and health of their skin.
For more information on the hair and skincare products, go to:
🤑Show Your Love with a high vibrational gift:
Paypal: [email protected]
🔮To Book a Reading an email, phone or prerecorded video reading go here:
Hidayah Reiki Google Review
#manifestingabundance, #consciouscreator, #livingyourbest life, #personalempowerment
#OracleReading #oraclecards #oraclemessages
#collectivereading #oraclecards #oraclemessages #zodiac #astrology
#tarot messages #tarot readings #chosen ones #anointed
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