Transitioning from academia to industry the IIP way | Industry Immersion Program | iiAfrica

Описание к видео Transitioning from academia to industry the IIP way | Industry Immersion Program | iiAfrica

Established in 2017 in collaboration with ESMT Berlin, the Industry Immersion Program (IIP) is iiAfrica's flagship program. It seeks to upskill and reskill participants who have an interest in industry, with the aim of assisting them to transition successfully.

This training arrangement is specially designed for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) students who have completed or are pursuing postgraduate degrees (Master's or PhD). As is with all our training programs, the IIP is offered to qualified candidates for FREE, courtesy our funding partners.

Visit the link below to learn more about our prestigious IIP and how you can be part; as a participant, a tutor, a funding partner or an industry partner.

#IIP #iiAfrica #ESMTBerlin


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