‘I never thought about my race but at the BBC everything was so racialised I felt paranoid’

Описание к видео ‘I never thought about my race but at the BBC everything was so racialised I felt paranoid’

Ramsha Khan from Free Market Conservatives told talkRADIO'S Dan Wootton that she felt "paranoid" during her work experience at the BBC because "everything was so racialised".

It's after a BBC podcast has been criticised after guest speakers told white women to "read some books" to avoid becoming a "Karen".

“Karen” has become a popular online term for white middle aged women displaying bigoted or racist behaviour.

Writing for Free Market Conservatives, Ms Khan said: "As a British Pakistani, the BBC’s obsession with identity politics is making me feel alienated".

She added: "Whilst I was there, the fixation, across almost every news story and topic of discussion, was with a person’s race, sexuality and gender. Tribal identity politics at the organisation and perceived stereotypes of the BAME community combined to make me feel like a victim due to the colour of my skin, rather than a free individual with an independent mind".

Khan says the BBC is "increasingly dominated by radical, left-wing identity politics" and is now "engaging in fierce political correctness and group think".


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