Emerald Nightmare - Music & Ambience - World of Warcraft

Описание к видео Emerald Nightmare - Music & Ambience - World of Warcraft

The Emerald Dream was created by the titans as a blueprint for Azeroth itself - a verdant and perfect mirror that reflects the state of nature had it remained unspoiled by so-called civilization. For many years, the druids and keepers who are closest to nature have noticed signs of an unsettling presence stirring within the Dream. Spurred on by the Legion and Nightmare Lord Xavius, that creeping corruption has now burst forth, and will engulf all of Azeroth if it is not rooted out at its source.

0:00 - Emerald Nightmare Orchestral H
2:19 - Emerald Nightmare C
4:31 - Emerald Nightmare I
6:13 - Emerald Nightmare E
6:49 - Emerald Nightmare M

8:24 - Emerald Nightmare Synth H
10:35 - Emerald Nightmare J
12:18 - Emerald Nightmare Orchestral A
13:32 - Emerald Nightmare K
15:30 - Emerald Nightmare D

17:30 - Emerald Nightmare F
18:07 - Emerald Nightmare Synth A
20:01 - Emerald Nightmare Orchestral B
21:08 - Emerald Nightmare G
23:05 - Emerald Nightmare Orchestral H

25:24 - Emerald Nightmare C
27:37 - Emerald Nightmare I
29:19 - Emerald Nightmare E
29:55 - Emerald Nightmare M
31:29 - Emerald Nightmare Synth H

33:41 - Emerald Nightmare J
35:24 - Emerald Nightmare Orchestral A
36:37 - Emerald Nightmare K
38:35 - Emerald Nightmare D

40:36 - Emerald Nightmare F
41:13 - Emerald Nightmare Synth A
43:07 - Emerald Nightmare Orchestral B
44:14 - Emerald Nightmare G

46:11 - Emerald Nightmare Orchestral H
48:30 - Emerald Nightmare C
50:42 - Emerald Nightmare I
52:24 - Emerald Nightmare E

53:00 - Emerald Nightmare M
54:35 - Emerald Nightmare Synth H
56:46 - Emerald Nightmare J
58:27 - Emerald Nightmare K

All songs composed by Sam Cardon


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