The Fascinating History of the Akita Breed in Europe

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What is the Akita's history in Europe?
The Akita is a majestic and powerful breed that holds a significant place in the history of Japan
However, their journey from the Land of the Rising Sun to the shores of Europe is a fascinating tale that showcases their enduring appeal as a companion and working dog
The story of the Akita in Europe begins in the early 20th century
At that time, Japan had a deep admiration for the Western world and its cultures
This led to an increased interest in exporting Japanese goods, including its native dog breeds
Recognizing the potential demand for the Akita breed, Japanese breeders embarked on a mission to introduce these magnificent dogs to the rest of the world
The first Akita to set foot in Europe was Kamikaze-go, an impressive specimen who arrived in Italy in 1937 Kamikaze-go was a gift from the Japanese government to Countess Elisabeth Blondin de Vaubercourt
The Countess was an influential figure in the world of dogs and had expressed her interest in acquiring an Akita
Kamikaze-go's arrival in Europe marked the beginning of the Akita's presence on the continent
However, the Akita's journey in Europe faced numerous obstacles
The outbreak of World War II disrupted communication and trade between countries, making it difficult for breeders to import and export dogs
Additionally, the war took a toll on the breed itself, as many Akitas in Japan were enlisted for military service or euthanized due to scarcity of resources
These challenges slowed down the spread of the Akita breed in Europe during this tumultuous period
After the war, efforts to bring back the Akita breed in Europe resumed
In 1947, the Japanese Akita Club of America (JACA) was established, striving to preserve the traditional Japanese Akita type


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