GCR 2018 WWII Battle Reenactment Highlights | First Person POV | 505th RCT | QHD

Описание к видео GCR 2018 WWII Battle Reenactment Highlights | First Person POV | 505th RCT | QHD

First Person POV highlights from Great Central Railway 2018 Battle Re-enactment at Rothley Station. 82nd Airborne 505th troopers take on German Infantry.

505th RCT is one of the UK's largest 82nd Airborne groups that specialises in battle re-enactments. The 505th RCT strives to bring the history of the unit to life.

Footage can be used for other purposes with permission. This is a historical battle reenactment for educational/entertainment purposes and is not real violence or war.

#505thRCT #505th


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