Pregunte Al Experto: TDAH complejo con un enfoque en el síndrome de Tourette y el Trastorno de Tics

Описание к видео Pregunte Al Experto: TDAH complejo con un enfoque en el síndrome de Tourette y el Trastorno de Tics

El TDAH complejo es un término nuevo que representa tener TDAH y al menos otra discapacidad. La investigación ha demostrado que el TDAH es una de las condiciones más comunes que se observan con síndrome de Tourette y trastorno de tics. Te invitamos para ver este seminario web con el Dr. Alonso Zea Vera, MD, neurólogo y especialista pediátrico en trastornos del movimiento. El Dr. Zea Vera nos informará sobre las causas, el proceso de diagnóstico y las opciones de tratamiento para el síndrome de Tourette y los trastornos de tics mientras explora la relación con el TDAH. Una mejor comprensión del TDAH complejo va ayudar a los padres a identificar los signos y síntomas para brindar mejor apoyo a sus hijos.
Ask the Expert: Complex ADHD with a focus on Tourette’s Syndrome & Tics Disorder

Complex ADHD is a relatively new term that means having ADHD and at least one other disability. Research has shown that ADHD is one of the most common conditions seen in patients with Tourette syndrome and Tics Disorder. Please join us for this webinar with Dr. Alonso Zea Vera, MD, a neurologist, and pediatric movement disorder specialist. He will provide information on the causes, diagnosis process, and treatment options for Tourette's syndrome and Tics disorders while exploring the cross-relation with ADHD. A better understanding of complex ADHD can equip parents with the proper tools to best support their child holistically.

Speaker Bio
Alonso Zea Vera, MD, is a child neurology and pediatric movement disorders specialist. His area of expertise is the management of tic disorders, dystonia and other movement disorders in children. He received his medical degree from the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia in Peru and completed a child neurology residency and a pediatric movement disorders fellowship in Cincinnati Children's Hospital.

His research interests include clinical and neurophysiologic studies in Tourette syndrome, dystonia and other pediatric movement disorders. He was awarded the 2020 Clinical Research Training Scholarship in Tourette syndrome by the Tourette Association of America, American Brain Foundation and American Academy of Neurology to study cortical neurophysiology during motor inhibition tasks in Tourette syndrome.

Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) was founded in 1987 in response to the frustration and sense of isolation experienced by parents and their children with ADHD. Learn more at:

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