Malamulo Akuti Chani Wa Chiwili Kwa Mtsogoleri Akamwalila?

Описание к видео Malamulo Akuti Chani Wa Chiwili Kwa Mtsogoleri Akamwalila?

As we mourn our beloved Vice President, the functions of government and leadership of Malawi must continue in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Malawi, which requires that there be a President and a Vice President. So, to satisfy this, what does the Constitution say must happen following the death of a Vice President in Malawi?

Pamene tikulira wachiwiri wathu wokondedwa, ntchito za boma ndi utsogoleri wa dziko la Malawi ziyenela zipitirire motsatira malamulo oyendetsera dziko la Malawi, omwe amanena kuti pakhale mtsogoleri wa dziko ndi wachiwili kwa mutsogoleli wadziko. Ndiye kuti izi zitheke, malamulo oyendetsera dziko lino akuti chichitike ndi chiyani atamwalira wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko la Malawi?




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