
Описание к видео 《大山的女儿》做人要知恩图报,女孩受人恩惠,为报答她会怎么做呢(2022)

#真实故事#杨蓉 #刘奕君 #乡村 #大山的女儿#央视电视剧#扶贫
Huang Wenxiu, who graduated with a master's degree from Beijing Normal University, voluntarily gave up the job opportunity in the big city and returned to the hometown where she was born and raised her. She is the first secretary of the village. During the day, she visits the poor households and analyzes the causes of poverty. In the evening, she studies poverty alleviation strategies with the "village two committees", and formulates work plans for full progress. Huang Wenxiu overcame difficulties and worked tirelessly to lift 88 poor households out of poverty in more than a year.


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