"Wine and Chastity Don't Mix" — St. John Bosco | Ep. 158

Описание к видео "Wine and Chastity Don't Mix" — St. John Bosco | Ep. 158

One evening, Saint John Bosco was trying to give advice for preserving the virtue of purity. Though this talk was for priests or clerics, purity is the foundation of any true man. Maintaining this virtue makes us comfortable with discipline and self-denial. One of these tips was to rise immediately with the morning bell and not to lazily mope out of bed, or hit the snooze button, as we would say today. He gave a shocking example of a cleric who had left the Salesians because of this slothful defect. Don Bosco said, One might protest, "I have always been slow to rise out of bed and I never fell into sins of impurity." In that case I ask, "You mean you never consented to bad thoughts, desires or deeds?" If they insist that they did not, then I say quite openly, "If you are telling me the truth, the Lord has performed a great miracle to save you."

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00:00 Intro
00:28 #4 Get out of bed promptly
04:03 #5 Moderation in wine
06:11 #6 Avoid exclusive friendships
08:19 #7 Brief Visits to the Lavatory
08:46 #8 Upon going to bed, pray for assistance

Thank you to Salesiana Publishers for their kind permission to use the English translation of The Biographical Memoirs of Saint John Bosco by Fr. Giovanni Battista Lemoyne et al. (New Rochelle, N.Y.: Salesiana Publishers, Inc., 1964-2003).

For further reading on Saint John Bosco: https://tinyurl.com/SalesianMissions


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