Swiss-Lanka Sadaham Sevana Fundraising

Описание к видео Swiss-Lanka Sadaham Sevana Fundraising

The Swiss – Lanka Sadaham Sevana Centre was established in Katana, Sri Lanka (a suburb city of the capital of Colombo) on 29 June 2016. We are pleased to inform you that we have been
able to establish this Buddhist center with the support of well-wishers in Switzerland and other countries. The center currently conducts meditation programs, yoga, language and computer training courses for teenagers while facilitating monastic ordinations and extensive
Dhamma education for laymen and monks. We also provide the facilities of the center for the visitors for their Dhamma oriented programs.

There is a great need of expanding the land extent for this center in order to facilitate large number of youths who wish to engage in activities of the center. The owner of the neighboring land to the center has kindly agreed to sell a part of his land at a very concessionary price. With the purchase of this land, we may be able to provide shelter for senior citizens who are in need of such caretaking.
This noble objective would be only possible with your generous contribution for the purchase of this land. We, Buddhists, believe that such a noble act will bring merit for the success of your current life and would bring great harmony and success in your next life.
The total area of land available is 3667 sqm. at the price of CHF 90,000/-. However, our initial land requirement could be met by purchasing of 1138 sqm. at the price of CHF 27,000/-. The land owner expects us to finalize the purchase by end of March 2019 by paying the above amount of CHF 27,000/-.

In order to achieve the noble objective of extending services and care for Dhamma to the needy people, we look forward your generous contribution at your earliest convenience, which will bring you great merits for your future success.

May You all be Well and Happy!
Bhante Anuruddha
+41 76 3400204

Web site for Donation:


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