Espaços deficientes | Mila Guedes | TEDxSãoSebastião

Описание к видео Espaços deficientes | Mila Guedes | TEDxSãoSebastião

Mila Guedes fala sobre espaços deficientes e nos ajuda a ampliar nossa visão de mundo

Mila é criadora do Milalá, uma plataforma online que analisa a acessibilidade de espaços para receber pessoas.

Mila Guedes is the co-director of her company Mila Guedes Consulting, specialized in human diversity and inclusions in work environments. She addresses the same theme in her TEDx talk.
Mila is the creator of Milalá, an online platform that covers a range of analyzing accessible places that are equipped to receive people with varying physical deficiencies. It’s a platform designed to inform, stimulate and encourage everyone to move around, travel and fully participate in everyday life.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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