Docker Hub Essentials DockTalk

Описание к видео Docker Hub Essentials DockTalk

New to Docker? Are you looking to learn more about how to build and share container images with your teams? Docker Hub is the world’s largest repository of images and is a hosted repository service provided by Docker for finding and sharing container images with your team. In this 60 minute Docktalk delivered by Docker experts you will learn more about:

- Repository Management - push and pull container images from Docker Hub repositories
- Teams and Organizations - create teams and manage access to shared private repositories of container images
- Publisher Images - access high-quality container images provided by external vendors
- Private Repositories - difference between public and private repositories and the best approach for individuals and organizations
- Automated Workflows - an introduction on how to automatically build container images from GitHub and Bitbucket

Here are some great resources from the DockTalk Q&A:

Q: Is there any training provided by Docker?
A: Here are thee online resources where you can learn about Docker:
- Docker Docs:
- Docker 101 Tutorial:
- Docker birthday challenge:

Q. How can I delete some images name "none"?
docker image rm [OPTIONS] IMAGE [IMAGE...]

Q. Can we use Docker on production environment or it’s only for production?thank you.
A: Yes, thousands of large companies around the world are currently running applications in production using Docker. Docker Desktop is the tool of choice for development teams. Docker Hub can be used for storing container images and configuring CI workflows
For running Docker container, you have several options:
Cloud managed container management platform, similar to services offered by any of the cloud providers:
- EKS (Amazon)
- AKS (Azure)
- GKE (Google)
Run and operate a container management platform (similar to what is offered by companies like Mirantis)


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