Описание к видео BLVCKHELICOPTERS | Vote Harder

Two hundred years of voting
Just look at where we are now
You all voted us into a nightmare
An I voted sticker, you're so proud
You voted for the lesser evil
And all we got was an evil system
Then you turn around and ask
How the fuck did that happen

You all voted for lesser evil
Look at what that has done
You're preparing to vote harder
I'm preparing to use my gun

Two hundred years of voting
You voted in a tyrannical nightmare
Steal from us to fund wars and drop bombs
They'll send your fathers, send your sons
The military industrial complex
Their far reaching killing machine
You're getting ready to vote again
We're building the guillotines

Maybe if you vote harder this time
The tyrants will stop their crimes
Take a look through a history book
Voting has worked how many times
They manipulate, they steal, they lie
They murder, they rape, they deny
Voting harder won't work this time
Because it never fucking did


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