Jejaring Ekosistem Literasi Asia Tenggara: Forum Penerbit Asia Tenggara

Описание к видео Jejaring Ekosistem Literasi Asia Tenggara: Forum Penerbit Asia Tenggara

Jejaring Ekosistem Literasi Asia Tenggara: Forum Penerbit Asia Tenggara (What is the Importance of Publishing Southeast Asian Authors' Books?)

Time : 13.30 – 15.30 (Jakarta time)
Place : Teater Wahyu Sihombing, Taman Ismail Marzuki

Why are there so few translated books from neighboring countries published in Indonesia, and why are there so few Indonesian books available in neighboring countries? Is this purely due to a lack of market demand, or are there other factors at play? In this session, we will delve into this issue and seek effective solutions to increase the publication of books from neighboring countries in Indonesia and vice versa.

· Nora Nazerene Abu Bakar (Vice President & Publisher of Penguin Random House SEA, Singapore)
· Andry Setiawan (Editor at Penerbit Haru, Indonesia)
· Ronny Agustinus (Publisher of Penerbit Marjin Kiri, Indonesia),
· Edmund Wee (CEO of Epigram Books, Singapore)
· Andrea Pasion-Flores (Publishers of Milflores Publishing, Inc.,Philippines)
Moderator: Nina Andiana (Editor at Penerbit Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Indonesia)


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