Flashpoint "Dirty Bomb" Episode w/ Radiation Hazmat Suits

Описание к видео Flashpoint "Dirty Bomb" Episode w/ Radiation Hazmat Suits

Radiation Hazmat Suits http://www.radshield.com The bomb that killed Donna was a "dirty bomb" and Parker is exposed to radiation, because he entered the building after the explosion. Parker is separated from the team by the HAZMAT team dressed in radiation protective suits, and brought to the stadium to conduct decontamination procedures. There he is given a DEMRON blanket to limit radiation exposure.

Demron is a radiation-blocking fabric made by Radiation Shield Technologies. The material has radiation protection similar to lead shielding, while being lightweight and flexible. The composition of Demron is proprietary, but is described as a non-toxic polymer.

Demron shields the wearer from radiation alone, it can be coupled with different protective materials to block chemical and biological threats as well.


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