Tsai steps down, fulfills pension promise|Taiwan News

Описание к видео Tsai steps down, fulfills pension promise|Taiwan News

Tsai Ing-wen stepped down on Monday after eight years in the Presidential Office. Originally, Tsai was entitled to a monthly “courtesy payment” of NT$250,000 for eight years after her tenure. But due to a promise she made when pushing pension reform, her payment will be capped at NT$86,000 a month, to match the top salary of civil servants. The remaining NT$160,000 will be donated to charity. This means that some NT$15 million will go to charity over the next eight years.

Chen Po-wei
Legislative adviser
We can use two subjects for comparison. One is Ma Ying-jeou. He said he would fulfill his “633” economic platform, or else donate his salary. But he didn’t make good on his promise to donate. Tsai Ing-wen did in fact deliver on the “633” platform, so Ma’s salary should be paid out to Tsai. The other subject for comparison is Jason Hu. Taiwan used to have a very unfair pension calculation system. Under this system, the number of years you work for the KMT counts toward your service in the public sector. After an amendment abolished this system, Jason Hu went to court to argue that his extra benefits should be returned to him. If you compare Tsai against these figures, you can see that the DPP is serious about reform, and that it leads by example, whereas the KMT’s calls for reform are empty words.

In related news, French newspaper Le Monde published a tribute titled “Taiwan: Under President Tsai Ing-wen, eight years of stability in the storm.” The article said that during Tsai’s two terms, Taiwan has made great strides in “international geopolitics, the most advanced technologies, and respect for human rights.”

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