Joe 90 - Power Themes 90 - Main Man Mix - with fan made video

Описание к видео Joe 90 - Power Themes 90 - Main Man Mix - with fan made video

Why have I made this video?

In 1990 an album was released called "Power Themes '90". On it were "pop songs" for want of a better phrase, created as tributes to Thunderbirds, Stingray, Captain Scarlet, Joe 90 and others. Three out of the four puppet shows represented on the album got an accompanying "pop video". Joe 90 was the only one that didn't -- so...I'm merely completing the set so to speak! I just hope I've done it justice!

This video is not monetised and is merely an affectionately made tribute. Copyrights to the source material remain (obviously) with the owners of the show and the tune.

Now the techy boring stuff for the real geeks:

So how do you go about making a video like this anyway?

Firstly you watch all 30 episodes of the show in order to make notes. Then...if you're as lazy as I am, all of those notes are made in your head rather than on paper as it is hard to make notes and eat popcorn at the same time. This does cause a bit of a nightmare when it comes to remembering where to find the bits you need! Arghhh!

Then its a question of lots of coffee and in this case, a weeks worth of painstaking experimentation and careful editing to get it to look as good as possible.

Sometimes pieces that you think you can use or really want to use simply don't work with the tune or don't fit in the big scheme of end up being left out. There were some really epic looking scenes I wanted to include more clips of but...for reasons of time etc they couldn't be used (Damn!).

Of course everything has to fit with the tempo of the music and whatever is happening with the tune and also the timing of the words in the tune to the mouths of the puppets where necessary. This in itself was a lot trickier than I imagined as 90% of the time I was using shots where the words spoken by the puppet in the show were not the same as the words used in the tune.

One thing I was determined not to do was to loop the same pieces of video when the same "chorus" phrase is spoken in the tune. This made the video a lot harder to make but it looks better for it in the end I think.

Sometimes you hit snags such as a shot isn't as long as you need it to be or doesn't work as well as you thought it would so you have to stretch or compress a few frames of it.

Then there's the question of how much background audio to allow to be heard over what is already in the tune without encroaching on the original soundtrack. Less is this was kept to only those moments where it seemed necessary or apt.


Originally filmed in 4:3 aspect ratio, it was a tough call cropping to 16:9. It was an artistic choice in the end for the purposes of this video only. The cropped position of each shot was carefully considered before going ahead. Doing this did allow greater flexibility in terms of the use of side-by-side images in some shots and also allowed for the hiding of puppet strings in others. It was also useful for occasionally disguising areas of a shot where the foreground depth of field gave away the real scale of the models. So swings and roundabouts really.

A couple of shots were also reversed or flipped for "artistic" reasons but these kind of things you only do rarely and if you're sure they won't be noticed.

Finally...then there are the happy accidents. Those moments when you drop something into the video timeline just to fill gaps when testing and miraculously it fits perfectly with the music..or it inspires you to do something more creative with the editing that you never intended. These happy accidents are rare and probably account for no more than 10 seconds of the total video.

Oh...and I'm not sure if there's such a thing as "editors block" but sometimes you can sit for literally hours and come up with very little that you actually like. That happened a few times. I would literally play around with tons of video for a couple of hours and end up with less an 3 seconds worth of actually edited video.

I think overall the whole thing works, thankfully!


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