Maple Syrup and gun

Описание к видео Maple Syrup and gun

image : jake-stark unsplash

Maple Syrup and a Gun

In the dawn's early light, in a diner far away,
Baltimore's on the road in Paradise, Kansas today.
A plate of pancakes, syrup dripping slow,
But his mind's on the past, and a pain he can't let go.

He’s got a gun in his pocket and vengeance in his eyes,
For the daughter he lost, for the tears he’s cried.
But there's a smile on his lips, as he looks her way,
The waitress who’s brightening this dark day.

She's young and she's kind, with a laugh like a bell,
Baltimore’s lost in her, but he’s got a tale to tell.
He flirts with a charm that’s worn but still true,
But inside he knows what he’s come here to do.

He’s got a gun in his pocket and vengeance in his eyes,
For the daughter he lost, for the nights she cried.
But there’s warmth in her gaze, and for a moment he stays,
In the diner in Paradise, on this fateful day.

He remembers her laugh, the way she used to dance,
Before the world turned cruel, before fate took its chance.
Now the sun’s coming up, and the moment is near,
But he lingers a little, holding back the fear.

The pancakes are gone, the syrup’s all dried,
Baltimore stands with a heavy heart inside.
He tips his hat, gives her one last grin,
Knowing today’s the day his reckoning begins.

He’s got a gun in his pocket and vengeance in his eyes,
For the daughter he loved, for the innocent cries.
But there’s peace in his soul as he walks out the door,
Leaving the diner, in Paradise no more.

In the quiet of the dawn, a man walks alone,
Baltimore’s on a mission, far from home.
But the memory of a smile lingers in his mind,
As he faces his fate, leaving love behind.


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