
Описание к видео houdini破碎动画与C4D互导渲染

前段时间在深圳和上海做了两场houdini 20.5技术交流分享.我讲解houdini的操作流程以及和c4d的互导并且读取各种属性.总的来说分为,c4d信息导入houdini, houdini模拟的点(粒子)\线(带颜色)\面(普通多边形,如流体mesh)\体积(vdb 烟火)导出至c4d并渲染.
在你还不是太熟悉houdini的时候, 只是对sop和模拟有所了解,这个时候也可以导出至c4d来进行渲染.

The Eagle Teach Houdini has been updated, with a total of 227 classes and 72 hours of content, including about 50 case studies. It will be released soon. Thank you for your supportThe course includes Chinese and English subtitles, also provides. hip files. The Houdini version used in the course is 19.5This is a system Houdini tutorial starting from 0, which covers all aspects of Houdini and also explains a large number of practical cases.If you want to purchase this course, please subscribe to my Patreon for just one month, which means you can pay $60 After subscribing, I will contact you and send you the viewing method for your course.My patreon:   / eagle19my   website: www.eaglehoudini.comins:   / personal   WeChat: laoying0140Students from over 20 countries have purchased this course and are welcome to join.
老鷹講houdini已更新完畢,共227節課\72小時內容,其中案例整理了下,大概50個左右.最近會陸續發出來,多謝支持.,課程包含中英字幕.課程也提供.hip檔案.課程使用的houdini版本為19.5.這是一套從0開始的系統houdini教程,講了houdini的方方面面,也講解了大量的實用案例.如果你想購買這套課程,請訂閱我的patreon,只需訂閱一個月,也就是付費60美金即可. 訂閱後,我會聯系你,發你課程的觀看方式.我的patreon:   / ins:     / 個人微信:laoying0140已經有來自超過20個國家的學生購買了這套課程,也歡迎...  .


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