How to Properly Mulch Around a Tree

Описание к видео How to Properly Mulch Around a Tree

Mulch is one of the best finishing touches you can add to any tree or landscape bed, but mulch does much more than provide a clean look and suppress weeds. In this video, you will learn the important benefits that mulch can provide with a step-by-step guide on how to properly mulch around a tree.

Mulch can help:
*Minimize competition between the turf and the trees for nutrients in the soil.
*Regulate soil temperature.
*Retain soil moisture.
*Protect trees from equipment damage.
*Reduce soil compaction over time.

Too much of a good thing can be bad, so it’s important to know the correct amount of mulch to put down and how to correctly do it.

Here are easy steps to follow on how to properly mulch around a tree:
1. Choose your mulch wisely. We recommend organic mulch (bark, wood chips, or leaves).
2. Next, spread it evenly around the perimeter of the tree. You want to add 2–4 inch layer of mulch. Ideally, your mulch ring extends to the drip line of the tree but for mature trees with a large crown, this can be unreasonable. Some mulch is better than no mulch.
3. A common mistake people make when mulching their trees is applying too much mulch, or what we call volcano mulching. You want to be able to see the root flare, where the trunk meets the roots.

Contact your local Davey arborist if you need any mulch advice or any type of tree care guidance:

Here are some additional resources on tree mulch:


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