diorama | horizons [remixed by zoodrake] | mountain lyric vid

Описание к видео diorama | horizons [remixed by zoodrake] | mountain lyric vid

you're listening to the first single release from "fast advance fast reverse" - the remix compilation featuring songs from diorama's latest output "tiny missing fragments".

remix by: hilton theissen from zoodrake
song: horizons
words and music: torben wendt

the video was recorded in 2020 by teedoubleyouann. it follows the solo speed ascent from weißbach to birnhorn summit (tyrol) in time lapse and was filmed non-stop using 1 gopro and 2 power banks.

if you like what you see and hear, please tell others. and do pre-order your copy of "fast advance fast advance" - cd version at shop.diorama-music.com or accession records or poponaut or mr. bezos' little corner shop or elsewhere. digital and streaming versions will be available everywhere you choose to consume.

enjoy. thank you.


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