Was Darksiders 3 As Bad As I Remember?

Описание к видео Was Darksiders 3 As Bad As I Remember?

When I think of the terms "underrated" or "underappreciated" in regards to video games, well a vast amount come to mind but one such series on that list for me is Darksiders. Like Dante's Inferno, many took issue with games wearing their inspiration on its sleeve but when it creates a whole new experience, why does that matter? I've been a huge fan of the Darksiders series since it released back in 2010 and I've always looked back on the series with a lot of fond and nostalgic memories. But it has been a while since I've played the series and today I wanted to revisit a game in this series that actually was massively disappointing for me back at release in Darksiders 3. I never thought Darksiders 3 was a bad game but just after Darksiders 2 and the wait in between releases left me a bit sour after I finished playing in 2018. But, hype and excitement removed is Darksiders 3 better than I remembered? Let's find out!

An Underappreciated Treasure | Darksiders Retrospective -    • Was Darksiders As Good As I Remember?  

Criminally Underrated | Darksiders 2 Retrospective -    • Was Darksiders 2 As Good As I Remember?  

Darksiders Series Retrospective Playlist -    • Darksiders Series Retrospective  

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Time Codes:

Introduction - 00:00
Story Synopsis - 02:56
Story Thoughts - 06:51
Gameplay Mechanics - 14:38
Combat - 16:57
Combat Preparation - 21:24
Bosses - 23:26
Puzzles & Platforming - 29:51
Darksiders...esk - 31:24
Conclusion - 32:35
Outro - 34:47

Was Darksiders 3 As Bad As I Remember?

#darksiders3 #darksiders #gamereview #darksiders2 #darksidersgenesis #soulslike


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