DBS: Broly - Gogeta VS Broly Theme [Norihito Sumitimo Theatrical VS MajinBlue VS TheManPF]

Описание к видео DBS: Broly - Gogeta VS Broly Theme [Norihito Sumitimo Theatrical VS MajinBlue VS TheManPF]

By Nightfall Warrior Jackson

Having deleted his channel, I've reuploaded this video with the same name so people may continue to enjoy his music.

Credits from original description:

Theatrical Version (By Alter Vitoko Art):    • Dragon Ball Super: Broly - Broly vs G...  
MajinBlue Version:    • Dragonball Super Broly - Broly Vs Gog...  
TheManPF Version:    • Dragon Ball Super: Broly OST - Broly ...  
Alter Vitoko Art Channel:    / @altervitokoartost  
MajinBlue Channel:    / @majinbluethefuturemade  
TheManPF Channel:    / @themanpf  


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