BasharSoft Movie on Online Recruitment Problems

Описание к видео BasharSoft Movie on Online Recruitment Problems

Movie highlights problems of online recruitment...
it is part of a marketing campaign for a new online recruitment system. Please share your thoughts about the movie in the comments area or email us at info [at] basharsoft [dot] com


• Recruitment by definition is the process of attracting, screening, and selecting qualified people for a job.
• A typical recruitment system consists of a database of jobseekers on one side, and employers using the database to fill their vacancies on the other.
• Recruitment agencies are always seeking to increase the number of jobseekers using their databases. They announce this in their communication campaigns in order to attract more clients, simply because the more the jobseekers in the database, the higher the access fees they can get from employers.
• While agencies attempt to make their databases larger, they also increase the level of noise in the system and reduce the visibility level. It becomes more difficult for employers to spot real outstanding jobseekers
• The situation becomes even more critical when thousands of graduates join the job market each year.
• Let's examine a practical recruitment case.
• A typical organization needs to fill a vacancy.
• They create a job posting and announce it on a recruitment website.
• The job posting attracts some people from the main jobseekers pool.
• These interested jobseekers who decide to apply form a subgroup called the applicants' pool.
• The organization needs to screen the candidates in the applicants' pool in order to find the top candidates.
• Looking into the applicants' pool, we find hundreds and sometimes thousands of jobseekers competing for the job.
• To be more precise, we don't see jobseekers, we only see their CVs.
• In competing for a job, many jobseekers tend to exaggerate their skills and experience on their CVs. This makes it very difficult to make accurate decisions based on the information provided.
• Some CVs will shine more than others.
• However, these CVs do not necessarily represent outstanding applicants.
• It's even worse knowing that some of the truly brilliant jobseekers do not write strong and convincing CVs.
• With little clue about how to best screen the applicants, recruitment specialists tend to engage in what we call -- "blind screening", where they use irrelevant criteria to filter applicants and to reduce them to a more manageable number.
• Blind screening can take several forms, such as screening strictly for university graduates, screening applicants from a certain industry or even from a particular geographical area.
• This blind screening practice is unjust, biased, inefficient and not at all transparent.
• It neither brings the best candidates to organizations, nor does it bring the best jobs to the most outstanding jobseekers.
• We believe that screening should consider all relevant aspects in jobseekers profiles each with proper weight


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