TEKKEN 7 | Jack-7 Combo Guide (Season 4)

Описание к видео TEKKEN 7 | Jack-7 Combo Guide (Season 4)

Jack-7 combo breakdown guide with the new Season 4 changes! New counter hit properties and new f+2,1 move. All Season 3 combos are still viable.

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➡️ Timestamps
0:00 - Intro
0:02 - Normal Hit
1:52 - Counter Hit
3:07 - Guaranteed (mini-combos)
3:32 - At The Wall
4:19 - Wall Carry
5:39 - Outro

➡️ Music
Tekken 3 / Gun Jack

➡️ Shoutout
@The Trust & @ManjiNemesis for the tech.
AboveHuman for the stage mods.

#TEKKEN #Jack7 #ComboGuide #RampRomp


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