一大早無遊客!但坐滿本地人!廣州!東湖酒樓!飲早茶!點心6.8 折!份量大!人均消費30元!環境一流!服務好!美食旅遊攻略!市場買菜!酒店價格暴跌?Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

Описание к видео 一大早無遊客!但坐滿本地人!廣州!東湖酒樓!飲早茶!點心6.8 折!份量大!人均消費30元!環境一流!服務好!美食旅遊攻略!市場買菜!酒店價格暴跌?Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

   / @huntingarcher  

#廣州 #旅遊 #GuangZhou

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/uBXtgKP4TAJVC...
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/49/8_Sh
餐廳消費:惹味炒米粉 ¥16,韭菜瘦肉豬紅湯 ¥16,錦繡紅米腸 ¥22,蜜汁叉燒酥 ¥19
永慶坊為中國廣東廣州一個南北走向的內街創意園區,位於荔灣區恩洲社區一帶,南起恩寧路,北至荔枝灣涌與粵劇藝術博物館附近。 創意園區前身為永慶大街、永慶一巷和永慶二巷。
2012年,由荔灣區人民政府與萬科合作開發。 2016年9月30號,永慶坊開園之後,變成商務辦公的創意園區。
由於永慶坊所在的恩寧路一帶在二十世紀二十至三十年代曾是粵劇劇團及伶人聚集之地,附近有不少粵劇界人物的故居,永坊範圍內就有李海泉(李小龍之 父,故稱李小龍祖居)、劉美卿、盧啟光、舞台設計師何碧溪的故居。
清代廣州四大家族「潘、盧、伍、葉」中的葉廷勳家族,在恩寧路的大地舊街興建了獅山葉公祠,常接待名流雅士如伊秉授、曾燠、阮元、 何凌漢(何紹基父親)、李威、玉遼、吳榮光、謝蘭生、張維屏等。 大地街一帶還聚居不少文人士紳,如清順德書畫家張墨池有住所荷香館於葉公祠傍,吉祥坊則有書畫世家熊景星的吉羊溪館(羊通祥字)。
其東起寶華路,西北至多寶路與龍津西路相連,長1115米,寬18米,雙向兩車道,目前車輛通行方向為雙向行駛。 1931年擴建道路,因原來由東至西分別為十一甫、恩寧東路、恩寧鐘巷、恩寧北路和恩寧市,故採用「恩寧」為路名。 其與龍津西路、第十甫路、上下九步行街騎樓相連,成為廣州最完整和最長的騎樓街,兩側內街有連片的西關大屋、竹筒屋,著名的有泰華樓、廣東 八和會館、李小龍祖居、詹天佑故居、張活遊故居、金聲電影院、寶慶大押、鑾輿堂等。
恩寧路有大觀河流經,昔日為西關最繁華之地,涌上的八座橋清朝名為「八橋之盛」。 在恩寧路北,十二甫西側,下西關涌上源兩支匯於匯源橋北。 恩寧路南,十二甫西側,逢萊正街口有蓬萊橋。
Yongqingfang is a north-south inner street creative park in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. It is located in Enzhou Community, Liwan District, starting from Enning Road in the south and ending near Lizhiwanyong and the Cantonese Opera Art Museum in the north. The Creative Park was formerly known as Yongqing Street, Yongqing 1st Lane and Yongqing 2nd Lane.
In 2012, it was jointly developed by the Liwan District People's Government and Vanke. After opening on September 30, 2016, Yongqingfang became a creative park for business offices.
In 2022, the project will be expanded to the original site of the ancient Jinsheng Cinema, and a new building will be built along the only remaining cinema wall, which is called a renovation project.
Since the En Ning Road area where Yong Qing Fong is located was a gathering place for Cantonese opera troupes and actors in the 1920s and 1930s, there are many former residences of Cantonese opera figures nearby. Within the scope of Yong Qing Fong, there is Li Haiquan (Bruce Lee's father). It is also known as the ancestral home of Bruce Lee, Liu Meiqing, Lu Qiguang, and stage designer He Bixi.
Enning Road is located in Liwan District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. It is a road with strong Xiguan characteristics.
The Ye Tingxun family, one of the four major families in Guangzhou during the Qing Dynasty (Pan, Lu, Wu and Ye), built the Shishan Ye Gong Temple in Dadi Old Street, Enning Road. It often received celebrities such as Yi Bingshuo, Zeng Li, Ruan Yuan, He Linghan (He Shaoji's father), Li Wei, Yu Ren, Wu Rongguang, Xie Lansheng, Zhang Weiping, etc. There are also many literati and gentry living in the Dadi Street area. For example, Zhang Mochi, a calligrapher and painter from Shunde in the Qing Dynasty, has his residence in the Hexiang Pavilion next to the Ye Gong Temple. In Jixiangfang, there is the Jiyangxi Pavilion (Yangtong Xiangzi) of Xiong Jingxing, a famous calligrapher and painter.
It starts from Baohua Road in the east and reaches Duobao Road in the northwest and connects with Longjin West Road. It is 1115 meters long and 18 meters wide, with two lanes in both directions. The current vehicle traffic direction is two-way. The road was expanded in 1931. Since it was originally Shiyifu, Enning East Road, Enning Zhongxiang, Enning North Road and Enning City from east to west, "Enning" was adopted as the road name. It is connected with the arcades of Longjin West Road, Shishifu Road, and Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street, making it the most complete and longest arcade street in Guangzhou. There are contiguous Xiguan Houses and Bamboo Houses on the inner streets on both sides.


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00:00 Intro
00:36 黃沙地鐵站/叢桂路/永慶坊/交通路線
08:30 東湖酒樓飲早茶/讀餐牌時間
11:17 惹味炒米粉/韭菜瘦肉豬紅湯/錦繡紅米腸/蜜汁叉燒酥
23:08 恩寧路/寶華路市場買菜
37:45 逢源路/酒店價格暴跌原因?
42:12 逢源路古舊建築/長者飯堂
45:12 Ending
#廣州美食粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #dim sum #粵語 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine # Food #Chine Tourse # Foods #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州 #旅遊 #東湖酒大樓 #點心 #美食 #市場 #飯店價格 #永慶坊 #恩寧路 #炒米粉 #豬紅湯 # 紅米腸 #叉燒酥 #交通路線 #寶華路 #逢源路 #黃沙 #西關 #food tourism #food tour in china #chinese food tour #china tourist #china tourism #china tourism vlog


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