Cutest Sea Otter Pup | Meet Hardy | Vancouver Aquarium

Описание к видео Cutest Sea Otter Pup | Meet Hardy | Vancouver Aquarium

Meet the Vancouver Aquarium's rescued sea otter pup, Hardy, who is literally too cute for you to handle.

You can help care for our rescued sea otters!

All of the otters at the Vancouver Aquarium, an Ocean Wise initiative, came to us through dramatic circumstances.

Tanu, Katmai, Rialto, Mak, Kunik and Hardy were all orphaned. Countless hours of rehabilitation and care by our dedicated rescue team were needed to save their lives and make them the happy, healthy otters you see at the Aquarium today.

Your generous gift today will help provide these rescued otters with the ongoing rehabilitation and care they still require.

Learn more and donate here:


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