Arya Sanghatasutra Dharmapayaya

Описание к видео Arya Sanghatasutra Dharmapayaya

English recitation by the Venerable Lhundup Damchö, produced with her expressed permission. The Noble Sanghata Sutra was translated from Tibetan to English by Venerable Damchö Diana Finnegan. The audio recitation is from by Venerable Lhundup Damchö.
Historic centuries-old Thanka images provided by
© Damchö Diana Finnegan
Any revenue generated belongs to the Sangha community Please support them with your kind donations, however small they may be.

Colophon: This English translation from the Tibetan was prepared by Venerable Damchö
Diana Finnegan (Lhundup Damchö), after reading the text with Venerable Geshe
Lhundub Sopa and then comparing the Tibetan with the Sanskrit. In addition to the
invaluable assistance from Geshe Sopa, this translation was checked against the Tibetan
with occasional reference to the Chinese translations by Shenghai (Roy) Li, whose
copious suggestions vastly improved this translation. Proofreading and copy-editing was
offered in the final stage by Venerable Gyalten Mindrol. Many others generously
contributed to this text, but all faults are the translator’s. The translation was completed
on January 25, 2006, in the home of Lama Zopa Rinpoche in Aptos, California. Lama Zopa Rinpoche This edition was finalized, with typographical errors corrected, on August 31, 2006, in Visakhapatnam, India.

May the kindness of the Buddha, as embodied within this wondrous sutra, fill the hearts
of all beings and turn them all to virtue. Just as this Sangháta Sutra has existed for many
centuries until now in the world only to benefit, may the Buddhadharma remain for eons
more, to bring comfort and aid to all.


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