Pizza Tower Gerome's Side Project: Noise Channel ALL CHEF TASKS (CYOP)

Описание к видео Pizza Tower Gerome's Side Project: Noise Channel ALL CHEF TASKS (CYOP)

Sorry for the delay, finals were eating me alive and then holidays happened.

The chef tasks aren't actually tracked in the mod yet, so I did a little editing magic to make the icon show up whenever I completed one.

This level is still so awesome. The escape sequence flows a lot better now, and I like the changes made to the second secret as well, I just wish the music in the level wasn't so glitchy. As far as getting the tasks completed, breaking a metal block with an enemy is pretty easy. You don't need to be as high in the air to break one like with peppino normally, and there are multiple points in the level you can do it in. Taunting in front of the store clerks is also simple. It would be cool if the clerks would react to you taunting to know if you got it or not, I just assumed I was close enough to the clerk each time I did it lol. The most tricky challenge is reaching the first elevator without using a ramp. You need to have pretty good timing to jump over all the ramps and still have enough distance to reach the other side. Ordinarily you'd just skip the second noisette cafe to get this task but obviously I have to go there to taunt in front of the clerk, but its made pretty easy with a super jump on top of the second ramp. I assume that still counts because I didn't actually use the ramp (which would be indicated by peppino getting launched into his ramp animation) but you easily superjump earlier and avoid touching the ramp entirely if it didn't.

This level has a lot of cool hidden shortcuts, most notably the one where you break the floor on the drop after the second noisette cafe that drops you into a boost pad. I'm not even joking I found it on accident on the attempt before this run and it caught me so off guard (although I honestly always wondered why that boost pad was there in the first place).


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