"Bake local bread by Sanam Nomadic woman: preserving traditions in the heart of nature"

Описание к видео "Bake local bread by Sanam Nomadic woman: preserving traditions in the heart of nature"

Baking bread is an old tradition among Iranian nomads, which is especially common in different regions of the country. This type of bread is thin and quick to cook and is usually cooked on a metal pan called "teak".

Thiri bread is prepared with wheat flour, water and salt. First, the dough is kneaded and then divided into small pieces. Each piece is spread by hand and then placed on the hot teak to cook both sides.

Due to its simplicity and speed of cooking, this bread is suitable for nomadic and nomadic life, because it requires few tools and raw materials and can be prepared quickly in open and non-kitchen environments. These features have made Tiri bread have a special place in the food culture of the nomads.


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