Weathering an R2-D2 Astromech droid

Описание к видео Weathering an R2-D2 Astromech droid

I helped a friend do some acrylic weathering techniques on his newly completed R2-D2 Astromech droid.

The look he wanted was "R2 was on Tattooine, and ended up on the Death Star". In some photos, his dirt / weathering is more gray but this is likely due to color correction and post processing in the film, as he was weathered in the same way as C-3PO and the Sandtroopers on set, which a mix of oil, dirt and sand.

Here's my original weathering video for my Sandtrooper that uses pretty much the same technique (the Sandtrooper used 2 passes of colors, R2 only has one).

Supplies rerequired:
Liquitex Basics paint (black, white, Burnt Umber, Burnt sienna) liquitex
chip brushes
natural sea sponges
spray bottle with water
flat paint containers
cloth rags

Thanks for watching!

Music by: DJ AG Cantina remix


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