Mississippi Blues Project: A Visit to Red’s Lounge in Clarksdale, Mississippi

Описание к видео Mississippi Blues Project: A Visit to Red’s Lounge in Clarksdale, Mississippi

World Cafe Travel Adventures went to Memphis and Clarksdale, Mississippi in October. While in Clarksdale, as part of WXPN's Mississippi Blues Project, we visited Red's Blues Club, a legendary juke joint. Red Paden, the owner of Red's talks about the rich history of the club and the blues. Also featured is a performance from Robert "Bilbo" Walker. The video produced by Roger LaMay, WXPN Station Manager and Bob Giardini (bobg-media.com/video.php).

The Mississippi Blues Project has been supported by The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage (pcah.us/) through the Philadelphia Music Project (pcah.us/music/) .

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