Civ 5 AI Only Timelapse: Trench Warfare

Описание к видео Civ 5 AI Only Timelapse: Trench Warfare

Strongest militaristic late-game civs (with modern/atomic era unique units) from Steam Workshop will cover the entire continent with an infernal flame, and the living will envy the dead. Millions of men with their dreams and hopes were fated to be smashed by an industrial death machine that requires blood, oil and new territories. And only when cities will be in ruins, trenches will be filled with corpses and the survivors will lose all faith and hope, ages of hatred will end, and the long-awaited peace will come until new psychopaths lead new generations to the last slaughter.

In this battle tech tree ends in the Atomic era.

Hideki Tojo - The Empire of Japan (
Joseph Stalin - The Soviet Union (
Winston Churchill - The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (
Charles de Gaulle - The Republic of France (
Adolf Hitler - Empire of Germany (
Franklin D. Roosevelt - The United States of America (
Benito Mussolini - The Kingdom of Italy (
Zhou Enlai - Republic of China (

Other mods:
Community Patch
Eras - Atomic Age
One City Civs

Music: Rupert Gregson-Williams - Nato Final, Shiro Sagisu - Fade To Black B14


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