wendy reid bird trio - at my window (2024) *

Описание к видео wendy reid bird trio - at my window (2024) *

wendy reid

bird trio - at my window  (2024)


lulu, bird - african grey parrot 
wendy reid, violin (con sordino)
william winant, glockenspiel, percussion

recorded by phil perkins at mills college 6/17/24
(iphone video)

'bird trio - at my window' is a a collection of sounds, fragments, and odd melodies composed from my musical interactions with Lulu, the African grey parrot I have lived with for the past 19 years.
Quite different from my other recent bird pieces (ambient bird), this composition distinguishes itself by being entirely notated, attempting to capture each moment without the element of improvisation.
The score weaves together our characters, making both Lulu and I the creators of this work. Complementing this, the accompanying ambient recording captures the mourning doves, wild birds, and urban sounds at my window at dawn.


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