Samurai Warriors: Spirit of Sanada - Battle of Ueda Castle | Part 60

Описание к видео Samurai Warriors: Spirit of Sanada - Battle of Ueda Castle | Part 60

This is the 2nd battle of Ueda castle where the Tokugawa once again attempt to take it down. Except this time it's Hidetada and Nobuyuki leading the charge. Hanzo and Ina also assist, as well as about half of the NPC officers in the Sanada village that have left to support Nobuyuki.

This battle is a bit harder than the first Ueda, mostly because Nobuyuki actually puts up a fight since he has an idea of how to counter his father's strategies. That being said Masayuki's strategies are still really effective so take advantage of them whenever possible. You'll have to defeat all officers to win this and once they see this is a lost cause, they'll attempt to retreat. If you want to be mean you can defeat Ina and cut off their escape point.


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