Macbeth Act 4 Summary with Key Quotes & English Subtitles

Описание к видео Macbeth Act 4 Summary with Key Quotes & English Subtitles

Macbeth Act 4 Summary of the Summary
SCENE 1: 0:04 SCENE 2: 4:55. Scene 3: 5:42

Macbeth visits the witches and demands to know the future. He is shown 3 visions called apparitions. #1 - a man's head wearing armour says watch out for Macduff; #2 - a bloody child vision says to Macbeth that no one woman born can harm Macbeth and #3 - a child wearing a crown and holding a tree says that Macbeth will be undefeated until a forest moves up to his castle. Macbeth is happy with these apparitions.

It still bothers Macbeth that the witches told Banquo (at their first meeting) that his children will be rulers of Scotland someday. The witches show Macbeth a vision of many future kings who are related to Banquo. This upsets Macbeth. He says he's just going to do the first thing that pops into his head from now on. He isn't going to take his time with decisions.

Lady Macduff is alone with her children in her castle. Macduff, her husband, has gone to England to help organize English soldiers who can come back to Scotland and get rid of Macbeth through fighting. Lady Macduff is mad that her husband has left the family without protection. Macbeth sends murderers to kill everyone in Macduff's castle. No one escapes.

In England Malcolm, King Duncan's oldest son, speaks with Macduff saying he will not make a good ruler. Malcolm doesn't know if he should trust Macduff and this is a test. Malcolm realizes he can trust Macduff. A messenger arrives and tells Macduff that his wife and all his children have been killed. Malcolm encourages Macduff to cure his grief through fighting against Macbeth. Malcolm is ready to invade Scotland with help from English soldiers.

Old school animation cracks the Shakespearean code. Summary of action and key, short quotes keeps it simple and maximize learning.

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