8.5 BQ. Make a comparative study of behaviourist and mentalist theory of L1 acquisition Linguistics

Описание к видео 8.5 BQ. Make a comparative study of behaviourist and mentalist theory of L1 acquisition Linguistics

Description টা দেখবে অবশ্যই।
হয়তো যা খুঁজছ তা পেয়ে যাবে এখানে।
Make a comparative study of behaviourist and mentalist theory of L1 acquisition.


Behaviorist Theory:

Behaviorists believe that children learn language through imitation and reinforcement (বারবার আয়ত্ত করার মাধ্যমে বিষয়টাকে আরো শক্তিশালী করা,ভালোভাবে শেখা) strengthening, support) . It's like learning by copying what they hear and getting praised when they say things correctly. Imagine a child hears someone say "dog," and when they repeat it, they get a smile or a hug.

According to behaviorists, positive reinforcement strengthens the correct language behavior, making the child more likely to repeat it. They think language learning is similar to learning any other skill, like riding a bike or tying shoelaces.

Mentalist Theory:

Mentalists view language acquisition as a cognitive process. They say that children have an inborn ability to understand and produce language. It's like saying that kids have a language "module" in their brains that helps them pick up language naturally.

Mentalists highlight that children don't just imitate, but they actively create sentences and understand grammar rules without explicit teaching. It's as if they have a built-in language toolkit that guides them in figuring out how language works.

Comparing Both:

1. Imitation vs. Innate Ability:
- Behaviorist: Children learn by imitating what they hear.
- Mentalist: Children have a natural ability for language; they don't just copy.

2. Reinforcement vs. Inborn Knowledge:
- Behaviorist: Positive reinforcement, like praise, encourages language development.
- Mentalist: Kids don't need rewards to learn language; it's in their brains to do so.

3. Environmental Influence vs. Internal Factors:
- Behaviorist: Emphasizes the role of the environment (people around the child) in language learning.
- Mentalist: Focuses on internal factors, like the child's cognitive abilities.

4. Learning vs. Discovering:
- Behaviorist: Learning through repetition and rewards.
- Mentalist: Discovering language rules naturally, without explicit teaching.

5. Timeline of Language Development:
- Behaviorist: Progression depends on exposure and reinforcement.
- Mentalist: Natural development occurs as the child's cognitive abilities mature.

In Everyday Terms:

Imagine a child learning to speak. The behaviorist would say it's like learning to ride a bike – you practice and get better with positive feedback. On the other hand, the mentalist would compare it to having a magical language toolbox in your brain – you just naturally figure out how to use it as you grow.

So, in a nutshell, behaviorists think language learning is all about external influences and rewards, while mentalists believe it's more about the amazing abilities our brains have from the start. It's like learning by doing versus learning by being born with a language superpower!

আমার সকল ভিডিও একত্রে পেতে,
কোর্স নিয়ে নাও স্বল্প মূল্যে।
একটি কোর্স শেষ করতে মাত্র 6 ঘন্টা লাগবে।
হাতে সময় থাকলে প্রতিদিন একটি দুটি করে ভিডিও দেখেও প্রস্তুতি নিতে পারবে।

কোর্স এ:
প্রতিটি গল্প কবিতা বা নাটকের সামারি এবং গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্ন আলোচনা সহ লাইন বাই লাইন বুঝিয়ে দেওয়া রয়েছে কোর্স এ। সাজেশন্স সহ।

বই,গাইড না থাকলেও চলবে।

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