These Are the 3 BIG Signs You Can Trust Your Intuition

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Any person who is an INFJ personality type or an INFP personality type (and also every single person who is an empath) most likely struggles with how to work with their intuition. INFJ personality types and INFP personality types are both highly intuitive personality types, and they often want to know how they can access their intuition, how they can increase it, and how they can understand it better.

Even though these personality types are born naturally intuitive, we live in a society that does not encourage intuition, or intuitive types. Our surrounding culture is almost solely focused on figuring things out through rational thought, i.e., thinking and problem-solving. This means that much of the time a person who is naturally intuitive will suppress their intuition in favor of using the rational side of their brain, since it feels safer and it is also more socially approved by friends, family and the general public.

However, intuition does not work through any rational process. It’s not like brainstorming, and it is not a conscious mind activity, although you can use the conscious mind to get yourself more comfortable with it. Something else that greatly helps is knowing what you’re looking for. If you have some idea of the clear signs that accompany intuition then you can more fully relax into receiving intuitive messages when they show up in your life, and you can get better at making good, solid decisions based on those messages.

There are 3 big signs that most people miss when it comes to trusting intuition. These signs are obvious, but they will also remain hidden if you don’t know exactly what you are looking for when they accompany an intuitive message. Tune into the video to find out what they are and how you can begin to spot them showing up in your life.

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